Helping Your Elderly Parent Stay Social

Posted on: 27 March 2015

If you have an elderly parent who is living alone, you may often worry about their well-being. If they are well enough to get around without assistance and are not in need of extensive medical care, going to a home assistance residence does not seem necessary. They will most likely want to live in their own home, but what happens when they get lonely? Hiring a companion care service can help your elderly parent in staying active socially, even if you do not live nearby. Here are some ways a companion would work in keeping your mother or father from becoming lonely due to seclusion in the home.

Social Outings

Having a companion care service employee go to your parent's home to bring them to see old friends can keep your parent feeling happy by giving them something to look forward to. Often when people age, old friendships can get broken or forgotten if there is no way for the parties to travel to see each other.

If your parent's friends are nearby, the companion care service can arrange transportation for your parent to meet with their friends at another home or in a public location. This can keep your parent feeling young and will put a bit of excitement back into their life if they have had to put friendships behind their own personal needs.

Volunteer Work

Your parent may want to become involved in the community in some way, such as working at a food pantry or cooking for a homeless center. Having a companion worker available to take them to and from their destination can be the difference they need in feeling worthwhile. Sometimes elderly people will feel as if they have nothing to look forward to if they are sitting alone in their home day after day. Having the chance to give back to others may be the difference in having an energetic and happy parent or a depressed and lonely parent.

Around The Home

A companion care service worker can keep your parent company within their own home if your parent does not feel up to making visits or doing activities. They would be able to help with tasks that your parent may have a bit of difficulty with, such as reading books or writing letters if your parent's eyesight is failing or helping to find a good program on television if your parent isn't sure how to work the controls. A companion would be able to give your parent intellectual conversation or just keep your parent company if your feel more secure having someone sit with them while you are unable to be there.

For more information, contact a local home health care services that offers companion care
